
Showing posts from October, 2021

The League sinks in the polls. It is now the third party. Italy Viva is also bad and remains nailed to 2%. And the much raved great Center is only a Centrino

The two parties led by Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte pay a pledge after the administrative elections , while those led by Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni remain stable . If today we went to vote, the Democratic Party would be the first party with 19.5%, followed by the Brothers of Italy with 19.2%. The third political force is the League with 17.6%, fourth the M5S with 16.2%. Followed by Forza Italia with 8.1%. These are the results of the poll on voting intentions carried out by Alessandra Ghisleri of Euromedia Research for the episode of Porta a Porta . If we compare

Another fight in Forza Italia. Now there is a dispute over the electoral law.

Another fight in Forza Italia. Now there is a dispute over the electoral law. Berlusconi pulls straight, but after Gelmini's thrust, Brunetta also raises the bar against the sovereign drif The settling of scores in Silvio Berlusconi's house continues . Which is intertwined with the karst one that is played in the wide field of the center-right between Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni , after the audio stolen from the leader of the League who has exposed the poor state of relations between the two. After the outburst of Minister Maria Stella Gelmini, the anti-sovereign, pro-European and moderate soul of Forza Italia, which has returned to make itself felt with the hard thrust of Renato Brunetta , returns to clash with that sovereign ( read the article ). And there

Exhaustion has hit half of healthcare workers

The study aimed to examine the main factors associated with burnout among healthcare workers during the pandemic. Three months after the start of the pandemic, the percentage of healthcare workers experiencing burnout was 52% among participants. By comparison, the burnout rate before the pandemic was around 30%. “We have just  mentioned that there is distress and that occupational health issues exist. They were also there before the pandemic, but they have increased, and the study allows us to speak about it, affirmed the head of the study, Judith Brouillette, psychiatrist, professor, researcher and head of the department of psychiatry of the 'Montreal Heart Institute. Psychological distress Self-reported

Genovese returns free. In 2019 he hit and killed two 16-year-olds in Rome with an SUV. The residence obligation has also been revoked. The young man had agreed a sentence of 5 years and 4 months in July

Pietro Genovese , the twenty-year-old Roman, son of the director Paolo, returns to freedom , who on the night between 21 and 22 December 2019 driving an SUV hit and killed the students, Gaia Von Freymann  and  Camilla Romagnoli in Rome in Corso Francia. , both 16 years old ( read the article ). The judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome ordered it. The young man, who was burdened with the measure of the residence obligation, must now await the decision of the Supervisory Court which will have to decide on how to serve the remaining sentence, about 3 years and 7 months. On 8 July ( read the article ) Genovese had agreed, on appeal, a final sentence of 5 years and four months for multiple road homicides. In the first instance, last ...

War in the Lamorgese. Meloni's plan puts Salvini in the corner. FdI relaunches online signature collection. The attack reveals the side to the League

 Sooner or later it will have to move from words - and petitions - to deeds. This is the fate of Giorgia Meloni who never misses an opportunity to criticize the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese , without ever sinking the blow but preferring, as announced yesterday on her social networks, to launch a petition to discourage the owner of the Interior Ministry. "Lamorgese is the only Minister in the world who uses a hard fist with peaceful protesters and workers and - at the same time - allows violent and organized criminals to organize maxi rave parties or ruin the protests of others", reads the Twitter account of the leader of Fratelli d'Italia in which the site is shown to make subscriptions. Web page on which, we read, that "the subscribers...

Il primo ministro australiano afferma che parteciperà al vertice sul clima Cop26, mentre crescono i dubbi su Xi Jinping in Cina

Secondo quanto riferito, a Boris Johnson è stato riferito che Jinping cinese non ha partecipato al vertice Il primo ministro australiano Scott Morrison ha finalmente confermato che parteciperà al  vertice sul clima delle Nazioni Unite Cop26 a Glasgow , anche se l'incertezza persiste sulla partecipazione cinese di Xi Jinping all'evento. Descrivendolo come un "evento importante", venerdì Morrison ha dichiarato: "Ho confermato la mia partecipazione al vertice di Glasgow, al quale non vedo l'ora di partecipare". La Gran Bretagna è stata scelta per ospitare la Nazioni Unite -LED 26 vertice Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite sui cambiamenti climatici delle pa...

Afghanistan: Isis rivendica l'attentato mortale alla moschea di Kunduz, uccidendo almeno 46

 È l'attacco più mortale nel paese dal ritiro delle truppe degli Stati Uniti e della NATO ad agostoIl gruppo dello Stato Islamico ha rivendicato un micidiale attentato suicida contro una moschea sciita nella provincia afgana di Kunduz, che ha provocato la morte di almeno 46 persone. La denuncia, diffusa dall'agenzia di stampa Amaq collegata all'Isis e citata dal SITE Intelligence Group, che monitora i messaggi dei militanti, è arrivata poche ore dopo che l'esplosione ha squarciato la moschea Gozar-e-Sayed Abad nella città di Kunduz. "Questo pomeriggio è avvenuta un'esplosione in una moschea dei nostri compatrioti sciiti... a seguito della quale alcuni nostri connazionali sono stati marti...

Tyson Fury, Deontay Wilder y el camino apenas creíble que nos trajo hasta aquí

  Los dos luchadores de peso pesado se reencuentran este sábado para finalmente decidir una rivalidad que lleva mucho tiempo en gestación. Bienvenido de nuevo a Las Vegas para el campeonato de boxeo de peso pesado un sábado por la noche justo al lado de la franja.  Ha sido una espera larga. Tyson Fury  abandonó esta codiciosa ciudad en febrero de 2020 cuando le dolieron los puños, después de detenerse, dejar caer y romper a  Deontay Wilder  en siete rondas.  Fury se fue como campeón del CMB a un futuro glorioso planeado de anticipación y peleas;  no ha peleado desde entonces, víctima de las restricciones de Covid y del virus mismo. Wilder también ha estado inactivo desde su pelea, atrapado en un bucle permanente de absoluta locura desde esa noche.  Wilder ha culpado a las estrellas, la luna, una herradura, los poderes Jedi, una batería y la letra de un clásico de Patsy Cline por su aniquilación en el ring de MGM.  Lamentablemente, ninguna de ...

Uno de cada ocho acres de California se ha quemado en la última década

Creo que esta tendencia va a continuar. Hay mucha área que todavía puede arder. Uno de cada ocho acres de  California se  ha quemado en  incendios forestales  durante la última década. Nueve de los diez  incendios forestales  más grandes del estado  desde el inicio del mantenimiento de registros moderno en 1932 han ocurrido en los últimos diez años, y los ocho incendios forestales más grandes han tenido lugar desde 2017. El director del Laboratorio de Meteorología de Incendios de la Universidad Estatal de San José, Craig Clements, dijo a  The Mercury News  que se debía a “una combinación de todo: cambio climático, décadas de extinción de incendios y sequía”. Los “megafuegos”, como los llaman algunos expertos, son incendios de más de 100.000 acres y solían ocurrir con poca frecuencia, pero ahora se están convirtiendo cada vez más en un evento regular. "Creo que esta tendencia va a continuar", dijo el Dr. Clements.  "Hay una gran cantidad ...

México exhibe artefactos prehispánicos recuperados del exterior

Dos museos mexicanos han inaugurado una muestra masiva de 1,525 artefactos prehispánicos, más de la mitad de los cuales fueron recuperados del exterior. Dos museos mexicanos han inaugurado una muestra masiva esta semana de 1,525 artefactos prehispánicos e históricos, más de la mitad de los cuales fueron recuperados del exterior. México  ha tenido durante mucho tiempo un problema con los coleccionistas o traficantes que sacan artefactos del país, a pesar de que eso ha sido ilegal desde 1972. Pero 881 de las esculturas, vasijas y otros artefactos que se exhiben en  la Ciudad de México  fueron devueltos, ya sea voluntariamente por coleccionistas extranjeros o mediante incautaciones policiales en el extranjero.  Fueron devueltos desde  Estados Unidos  , Italia, Francia,  Alemania  y  Holanda. Para la mayoría, es la primera vez que se les ve en México. Muchas de las otras 644 piezas habían sido incautadas en México o llevaban mucho tiempo guardada...