Genovese returns free. In 2019 he hit and killed two 16-year-olds in Rome with an SUV. The residence obligation has also been revoked. The young man had agreed a sentence of 5 years and 4 months in July

Pietro Genovese , the twenty-year-old Roman, son of the director Paolo, returns to freedom , who on the night between 21 and 22 December 2019 driving an SUV hit and killed the students, Gaia Von Freymann  and  Camilla Romagnoli in Rome in Corso Francia. , both 16 years old ( read the article ). The judges of the Court of Appeal of Rome ordered it. The young man, who was burdened with the measure of the residence obligation, must now await the decision of the Supervisory Court which will have to decide on how to serve the remaining sentence, about 3 years and 7 months.

On 8 July ( read the article ) Genovese had agreed, on appeal, a final sentence of 5 years and four months for multiple road homicides. In the first instance, last December 19, Genovese was sentenced in abbreviated form by the Gup  Gaspare Sturzo  to 8 years in prison, while the prosecutor  Roberto Felici had asked for 5.

With the agreement, accepted by the Court of Appeal in July, the sentence then became definitive and the young man was able to leave house arrest after a year and seven months. The Court of Assizes of Appeal had ordered the young man to stay in Rome with a stay in his home from 10 pm to 7 am. The defense of Genovese, represented by the lawyer Gianluca Tognozzi  and  Franco Coppi , had asked for freedom, but the attorney general had expressed the opposite opinion.

The Court had therefore opted for a middle way, considering that the residence obligation could adequately satisfy "the social precautionary need", taking into account the censorship and correct procedural behavior of the accused and the fact that the driving license driving license has been revoked. The Court had also revoked the civil rulings concerning the positions of the victims' families, because the damage had been compensated by the accused through insurance.

"The Romagnoli family - say Camilla's family members through the lawyer Cesare Piraino -, still heartbroken, acknowledged with due respect for the decision of the Court of Appeal, only hopes that the Supervisory Court will evaluate with serenity, seriousness and rigor the request for entrustment to the extended social service that the offender will propose ".

The Surveillance Court, the girl's family again underline, is called upon to assess "the serious problem of whether the offender, who should atone for a little less than four years' imprisonment, has behaved in such a way as to allow the judgment that the custody in evidence, possibly to be granted, contributes to the re-education of the offender and ensures the prevention of the danger that he may commit other crimes ".


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