The League sinks in the polls. It is now the third party. Italy Viva is also bad and remains nailed to 2%. And the much raved great Center is only a Centrino

The two parties led by Matteo Salvini and Giuseppe Conte pay a pledge after the administrative elections , while those led by Enrico Letta and Giorgia Meloni remain stable . If today we went to vote, the Democratic Party would be the first party with 19.5%, followed by the Brothers of Italy with 19.2%. The third political force is the League with 17.6%, fourth the M5S with 16.2%. Followed by Forza Italia with 8.1%. These are the results of the poll on voting intentions carried out by Alessandra Ghisleri of Euromedia Research for the episode of Porta a Porta .

If we compare these data with the previous survey of September 14, before the elections, it appears that the League loses 0.9 (it was 18.5%). The Five Star Movement also falls. The Pd and FdI both earn 0.1%: in September they were respectively 19.4% and 19.1%. FI grew by 0.8% from 7.3% in September to 8.1%.

BUSHES. According to the Euromedia sample, after the recent performance recorded in the elections for the Municipality of Rome, Action by Carlo Calenda grows to 4.5% (+ 0.7%). The federation of the Greens would stand at 2.1% (+ 0.1%). Italia Viva by Matteo Renzi continues to lose points and drops from 2.8% to 2%. It follows, stable, Mdp-Art.1 at 1.5%, Italian Left 1.4% (-0.4%) and + Europe 1.2% (-0.5%). Finally, the minor forces of the center-right 1.2% (+ 0.1%). Both sides do not reach 50%. The center-right coalition (FdI-Lega - FI + other center-right) would get 46.1% while the center-left one (Pd-M5S - Italian Left and Mdp-Art.1) would stop at 38.6%.

Numbers and percentages that should lead to reflection especially the leader of the Democratic Party. The project to which he referred to a large field, a sort of re-edition of the old olive tree, was clearly rejected by the number one of the M5S. Giuseppe Conte said never with Calenda and Renzi ( read the article ). And vice versa Calenda and Renzi have no intention of allying themselves with the pentastellati. But the question is a must. However, it is convenient for Letta to lose what with 16% remains the second party of the center-left coalition to embark on the ark the former minister who aspired to become mayor of Rome who in any case does not reach 5% and the former scrapper who stops at a skimpy 2%?

On the other hand, the center-right has every interest in keeping within its FI perimeter which, however reduced, brings 8% of the votes as a dowry. The risk of a split within Silvio Berlusconi's party is strong. The two souls, the sovereign and the moderate one (which coincides with the governists led by the three ministers Gelmini, Carfagna, Brunetta) seem to have come at loggerheads. And it is not excluded that at some point they may take different paths. One merging into the circle of Salvini and Meloni and the other being seduced by those who dream of the great center.

DOUBLE WIRE. But the dream of the great center cherished by Calenda, Renzi and a part of the Azzurri is closely linked to the electoral law. The project would not have room with the current one. With a proportional system, the games would change, however, because the centrists could run without allying with anyone, ex ante, and played after the game, with the polls closed, if their votes were decisive for forming a government majority. This is why no one fully believes the leader of Italia Viva when he declares that his heart beats for the majority.

In the center-right instead Salvini and Meloni have every interest in the majority with which they would harness FI at the start without leaving them, then, free field for twists and turns of coalition. For the opposite reasons, the anti-sovereign blues push instead for the proportional one. The M5S and part of the Democratic Party (Letta has not yet formally expressed himself but it is known that he leans towards the majority) instead cheer for the agreement laboriously reached by the Giallorossi majority who supported the Conte II government.

That is a German-like model, renamed "Brescellum" after the president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber, the pentastellato Giuseppe Brescia and heavily sponsored by the then secretary of the dem, Nicola Zingaretti . It is a proportional electoral system, with a threshold of 5% and the so-called right to stand for small parties. Adopted as a basic text, it ended up in limbo, also due to the opposition of the Renzians. The 5% threshold is frightening.


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